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- ➤The medium of instruction is English.
- ➤Mass Drill for students is regularly organized.
- ➤The school has a house system to group the staff and students,
There are four houses for KG classes
- MANGO – Yellow
- ORANGE – Orange
- There are five houses for the classes I to X
- DHARMA – Green
- BHIMA – Red
- ARJUNA – Yellow
- NAKULA – Blue
- SAHADEVA – Orange
- ➤The school has special prayer sessions on Fridays. To inculcate the spirit of brotherhood they chant prayers from all faiths.
- ➤The school believes in instilling sound moral values in the young minds to build up a good society. The subjects Moral Instruction and General knowledge aim at teaching children discipline, character and Indian traditions and culture.
- ➤To promptly update parents on all school activities, the management has decided to send all school messages to parents through Email and SMS.
- ➤AKSHARABHYASAM: Every newcomer from Pre K.G, L.K.G and Montessori – I is initiated into the joy of learning through this ritual.
- ➤BUNNY: It is a feeder movement to the Bunnies. Later they can join cubs and bulbuls in primary class and continue with guides and scouts.
- ➤CONVOCATION: Children from U.K.G/Mon-III graduate to the first standard at a convocation ceremony.
- ➤Regular open house sessions
will be held wherein the parents/guardians can meet the teachers to discuss the
progress of their wards.
significance of various festivals (Pongal, Diwali, Ramzan, Christmas etc.) is
imbibed by the children through the Assembly activities to uphold our rich
cultural heritage.
- ➤The aim of GNANA VIDYA
MANDIR is to make the heuristic method of education as a mandate.
- ➤Using latest educational
tools like digital smart class with virtual laboratory.
- ➤Soft Skills & Aptitude
- ➤Learning by doing with lab
activities in maths, Science & Social science.
- ➤Continuous monitoring of
physical fitness through standard evaluation procedures.
- ➤Quality academic delivery
with International Pedagogy, based on a good value system.
- ➤International Olympiads,
Spellbee International, NIE Program and so on.