Guidelines to parents
➤ The Hand book is the most effective medium of Parent-Teacher communication. Parents are requested to check the handbook daily, look in for homework endorsement made by the teacher and to communicate their wish through the Handbook.
➤ Students must keep his/her place as well as the class room and the surroundings clean and tidy.
➤Students must enter the classroom and take his/her place immediately after the bell rings, to enter and leave the classroom only with the teacher’s permission.
➤ Parents should not send their children to school, if they are suffering from any contagious or infectious disease.
➤ Parents who seek information or wish to make suggestion should do so to the Principal only. Parents can meet the Principal on all working days during the scheduled timings. Parents can meet teachers regarding the child’s progress after getting permission from the Principal and may do so only during the break times.
➤ Parents and guardians are requested not to meet their children or meet the teacher during class hours without prior permission from the Principal.
➤ Medical inspection is held once a year. Parents are requested to follow the suggestions given by the Medical Officer
➤ The school will strictly adhere to the schedule of working days and holidays as mentioned in the Handbook. Only in extraordinary circumstance, if there is a Government announcement of a holiday for educational institutions, the school will remain closed.
➤ Parents are particularly urged to see that their children come to school dressed neatly in full school uniform. They should provide them with necessary reading books, exercise books, all kinds of writing and drawing materials, etc.
➤ Parents must attend all school functions including PTA Meetings. The dates are mentioned in the diary .In case of any changes, reminder will be sent.
➤ It is mandatory that every child must come to school in complete uniform on all working days or whenever they enter into school premise. Students must come in neatly pressed uniform with trimmed nails, boys with proper haircut, girls must plait their hair and need to wear neatly polished shoes.
➤ It is the interest of the general safety that the pupils are prohibited from wearing/bringing any valuable ornaments or jewelers to school.
➤ Carrying any valuables, money, electronic gadgets including mobile phones, iPods etc., by the students is banned.
➤ Parents can provide ways and means to the children to enrich their languages by providing children’s monthly magazines, comics books based on mythology etc., and making them listen to English news regularly.
Guidelines to Students

➤ Students must come to school clean, well-groomed, well combed and neatly dressed. Students who are not in complete uniform or dressed properly will not be permitted to enter the classroom. Tight fitting dresses are not allowed.
➤ Students must keep his/her place as well as the class room and the surroundings clean andtidy.
➤ Students must enter the classroom and take his/her place immediately after the bell rings, to enter and leave the classroom only with the teacher’s permission.
➤ Students must be respectful to the Principal and the teachers, and greet them politely and courteously.
➤ Students must keep the school campus neat and tidy, to protect the school property and to be careful in taking care of his/her personal belongings.
➤ Students are expected to maintain good habits, practice polite behaviour.
➤ Students must inform any uneasiness or discomfort to the class teacher immediately.